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Join us

AEF formed as a federation of member groups and individuals concerned about aviation impacts and we continue to rely on our membership today. We aim to represent the views of those directly affected by airport and airfield operations, overflights and airspace changes as well as those who join AEF simply to support our work and objectives, including on climate change. One of our major strengths is that our work is shaped and reinforced by real-world examples from our members.

Ways to join

You can pay online, via BACS or by post. If you have any questions, please contact the AEF office.

Join online

Click below to join us online.

Join now

Join by post and cheque or BACS

To join by post, please download the joining form by clicking the button below, and return completed, alongside your cheque to:

Aviation Environment Federation (AEF)

Studio LMF 1.09, The Leather Market

11-13 Weston Street, London, SE1 3ER 

To join by BACS, please contact us for our BACS details. You will also need to download and complete the joining form below. This can be sent to us via post or email.

Download the AEF membership application form

Membership options

We offer six types of membership which are listed below. All members are entitled to the same benefits. Association membership is designed for residents’ groups and environmental organisations.

Association – representing under 5000 people£30
Association – representing over 5000 people£36
Parish or local council – representing under 5000 people£36
Parish or local council – representing over 5000 people£50

Your membership will last for 12 months from the date of joining, and we will write to you when it is time to renew.

Membership benefits

As well as helping to support and guide our work on national and international policy issues, members are entitled to the following:

1) Access to our information and advice service (on a fair-use basis in recognition of our limited resources) on issues including:

  • data on noise, air pollution and climate change and on the operation of aircraft, airfields and airports;
  • the regulatory and policy framework for aviation (including how the planning system applies to airport development);
  • how to communicate concerns effectively with airports, regulators and aerodrome consultative committees in order to achieve positive outcomes.

2) AEF’s members-only updates and our e-newsletter. These will include alerts of important policy updates or the publication or relevant consultations, and invitations to help inform AEF’s engagement with policy-makers.

3) Attendance at our Annual General Meeting and other seminars and events.

4) The opportunity to help guide and support our work programme by standing for election to our Executive Council.